Monday, April 23, 2012

Christmas in Paris with a toddler

We are considering spending the holidays in Paris this year. However, we%26#39;re concerned about what the weather is like, and if it would be ok with our toddler, who is 2. We live in TX, and it doesn%26#39;t get as cold here, so I wasn%26#39;t sure what it would be like that time of year in Paris.

Also, are there any indoor play areas, where we can take her?

My husband and I are very excited to go, but my parents are the ones who are so worried about the cold weather.

I say we just bundle her up and deal with it. But I needed advice from others who may have been there at that time of year with children. How was it????

Thanks so much!!!


I have never been to Paris at Christmas, but the climate is similar to London, where I live.It may be cold, unlikely to be below freezing until January/February, as everywhere seems to be a little milder and wetter these days. Of course children in Paris, and London (and NYC) are well wrapped up at that time of year. Hotels and museums etc will be properly heated and comfortable although you may not find it warm enough to sit outside cafes (many people will, even in December). I can%26#39;t imagine that strolling through parks etc would be unacceptable if you have coats and shoes. A bright, crisp, December day in Paris would be wonderful, but you must be prepared for rain and greyness as well and short days. Sorry, my children are too old for play areas so I don%26#39;t know what might be available.


It does not get THAT cold. It seldom freezes before January, Buy her a cute little one piece ski suit from LL Bean,for when she is outside.

She will LOVE looking at the animated store windows.

Friends with kids come to visit me in Paris even at Xmas. no complaints.

Keep in mind that everything indoors is overheated IMO so she may not notice she is not in TX !

Plan YOUR trip and she will happily follow. Who wants to go to a play area in Paris ??? Paris IS a big play area!

Just do it! like Nike says.


Thanks for the info from both of you. I just need to convince my parents. I%26#39;m starting to think they%26#39;re using it as an excuse - but who wouldn%26#39;t want to spend Cmas in Paris? Seriously! I just say we bundle her up and deal with it. ;o)

I have already found some cute little ski bibs she can wear outside, so I%26#39;m ready to do this.

I%26#39;ll be sure to post pics after the trip.



I say bring Grandma and Grandpa with you! Then you and hubby can see and do things, your toddler won%26#39;t remember the trip but I can see why you have to be with her on a holiday of course!


We were in Paris last December just prior to Christmas. The weather was a little chilly morning and evening but warmed up to the point we had a picnic lunch basking in the sunshine nearly everyday. It was no colder than a chilly day in Texas, quite comfortable really if you dress with a stylish coat and hat -- and a Parisian scarf of course. We did the 2-day seine boat ticket in an enclosed boat and the metro is underground and so out of any weather. Most of your time will be spent inside traveling to various points or inside Notre Dame, the d%26#39;Orsay, Invalides, etc.

You and your toddler will be just fine and so will your parents. The decorated store windows will be magnificent. December temperature makes the famous hot chocolate at Angelina%26#39;s taste that much sweeter.



Thanks, Oprah44! That%26#39;s good to know. And thanks for the tip on the hot chocolate. I think we%26#39;ve finally talked my parents into it, so now we just have to get the tickets. yay!


I was in Paris for Christmas and New Years last year...i am from FLA so you know its warm here during that time of the year...wait all YEAR!

So it was between 23(at night) to 35 degrees F the entire time. It does not snow in Paris (well not that much) but IT WAS COLD! I mean piercing thru my coat, sweater, scarves etc...And i had a wool coat! BUT i am warm blooded and not use to this.

We did not spend too much time outside as we were visiting family. Not sure about the places you can go indoors im sure there are a few museums geared towards children (hands on type musees!)

Good luck!


i do agree that it got warmer through out the day...but it depended on the weather was raining when I was there so no sunshine to make it warm...if it was cloudy same thing. But the days it was sunny it was nice - but you still needed your coat, sweaters, scarves and boots! It%26#39;s doable with 4 adults just be prepared


Where is KDKSAIL when we need him! This post just begs for one of his tongue-in-cheek comments.

I want to say something about all of the little two year old frozen statues I saw in Paris when I was there last Christmas. Don%26#39;t worry though. They thaw out in the spring.


ROTFL! Little frozen statues...

Thanks to all the input. Now we%26#39;re just waiting for our tickets to be worked out with American. We%26#39;ve found a wonderful apartment about 100m from the Louvre.

I%26#39;ve been to Paris in the summer and fall, but never the winter. It looks beautiful in all the photos I%26#39;ve seen. So I can%26#39;t wait!

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