Sunday, April 15, 2012

Question about Paris Metro Pass


I will be in Paris for 5 days. Our hotel is in Malakoff, which I believe is in zone 3. I am wondering if in fact Malakoff is in zone 3, and if so, would the 5 day/3 zone pass work best for me.

I arrive on a Saturday, and leave Wednesday. I will also arrive and leave at the train station, Gaul de Nord.

Any advice would be greatly apperciated!!




If you give me your hotel%26#39;s address I%26#39;ll be able to tell you exactly which mean of transportation is closest to your hotel.

However, I can tell you the main options:

Métro line 13: Malakoff – Plateau de Vanves (zone 1) and Malakoff – Rue Étienne Dolet (zone 2)

T3 Tram (zone 1)

SNCF station : Vanves Malakoff (trains to Montparnasse station): zone 2

As you can see, you won%26#39;t need zone 3. However, the least expensive %26quot;version%26quot; of the Paris Visite pass is for zones 1-3 and costs 27,50.

A carnet (a group of 10 tickets) that are valid for zones 1-2 costs 11.40 €, so do the calculation based on your estimated usage of the public transportation.

Note: this %26quot;regular%26quot; ticket (Ticket « t+ ») won%26#39;t give you access to the SNCF train.


I%26#39;m sorry but I don%26#39;t understand your question.

Do you mean you are staying on Ave de Malakoff? Imp de Malakoff? Villa Malakoff? What is your nearest metro stop? Or are you in an area called Malakoff in which case I%26#39;m afraid I don%26#39;t know it.

If you are in any of the above streets you will be in Zone 1 or 2 dependant on your metro stop. Gare du Nord is in Zone 1.

I don%26#39;t know if you will venture into Zone 3 but the pass you mention would work for what you say above.

Here is an interactive map which will show you the zones.




The address of the hotel is:

6 rue Raymond FASSIN


Thanks for the replies!



I had 1 other question also... Is it better to buy the pass or tickets over the internet, or wait until I get there? Is there a better price to be had over the internet?



If I was to buy a ParisViste card in the UK it would cost me a few £%26#39;s more than in Paris so, as it can be bought easily on arrival, I would do that.




Your hotel is close to %26quot;Malakoff - Plateau de Vanves‏%26quot; metro (line #13) in zone 1, so you won’t need zone 3, unless you did the calculation and found out that Paris Visite zones 1-3 is more economical than a carnet.


%26gt;%26gt;%26gt;The address of the hotel is: 6 rue Raymond FASSIN, 92240 MALAKOFF.... Is it better to buy the pass or tickets over the internet, or wait until I get there? Is there a better price to be had over the internet%26lt;%26lt;%26lt;

This immediate neighborhood, just across the Périphérique to the south of the city is still within Transportation **Zone 2** and served by the #13 Metro ligne from MALAKOFF-PLATEAU de VANVES station. Since single Ticket t%26#39;s are good for all Metro stations and bus travel within and between two(2) adjacent Transportation Zones, you will be fine using individual tickets from a CARNET (packet of 10 reduced-priced Ticket t%26#39;s--11,40€)..and serve all of your public transportation needs to, from and within Paris.

There is NO advantage to pre-purchasing a PARIS VISITE Zone 1-3 transportation pass on-line. These offers are made by private agencies, who usually add anywhere from 25%-to-30% to the official price (5-day, Zones 1-3--27,50€), without really offering anything in the way of added convenience...since the same pass is readily, easily and less expensively available in Paris (at Gare du Nord at the Paris Tourism %26#39;Welcome Desk%26#39; kiosk on the main concourse of the station or at the ticket windows on the lower Metro/RER train levels of Gare du Nord).

Given a five(5) day itinerary and your location well to the south of %26#39;central%26#39; Paris, it%26#39;s a fair bet that you%26#39;ll be using Metro and/or buses more than a 5-day PARIS VISITE may be the better %26#39;deal%26#39; for that it will provide you with simple %26#39;..hop-on/hop-off..%26#39; convenience/access to ALL public transportation--RER, Metro, Bus, Tram, Funicular, Noctilien night bus--within Paris and a bit beyond.

RATP Ticket %26amp; Transportation Pass Pricing %26amp; Details--


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