Sunday, April 15, 2012


a gastronome well known for his comments on the Cityvox site (in french) has just posted 2 new ones, the 1st positive, the 2nd very negative :

Le Boudoir, 25 rue du Colisée, Paris 8

La Païva, 25 Champs Elysées, Paris 8


I was wondering if the poster for Le Boudoir had a cigar there in his photo and hence the usefulness of the separate smoking room at Le Boudoir? :o)

Laughed outloud at La Paiva...Mais c%26#39;est une bonne adresse pour claquer les pétro-dollars.

Best avoided I think!



yes the guy is Bnphoto and he has a cigar ...well done


ahaha it%26#39;s true, the review for La Paiva is hilarious. He doesn%26#39;t hold back from being as scathing as possible, no? It also makes me laugh how he decides to make his profile pic one of him with a huge cigar in his mouth. Just classic lol


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